

The UK Tier Visa system is a points-based visa category system. Applicants must score a minimum number of points on an assessment test to be eligible for a visa. The test takes into consideration such factors as age, fluency in the English language, and other factors dependent on the specific Tier under which you apply. There are five different tiers:

  • Tier 1 – Investor visa

    What is a Tier 1 Investor visa?

    The Investor visa is categorised for business activities and high net worth individuals. The applicant needs to be willing to invest a substantial amount of fund in the UK, are able to work, study and involve in business activities, and can also be accompanied or joined by their dependants. A Tier 1 Investor visa usually leads to Permanent Residency settlement in the UK after a period of 5 years.

    What is required?

    To qualify for a Tier 1 Investor visa, the following are required:

    1. Having funds of £2 million or more, belonging to yourself, spouse or joint accounts;
    2. The money is held in a regulated financial institution;
    3. The funds are available, able to convert into British Pounds and transfer to the UK;
    4. Having a UK regulated bank account for the purpose of investing no less than £2 million within the UK.

    Further information;

    1. If the investment funds have been personally held for less than 2 years, you will be required by the Home Office to prove the source of the funds, and will need to be satisfied with the evidence before proceeding.
    2. If applying from overseas, yourself and any other adults dependants will be required to obtain an overseas criminal record certificate for any country that you have lived for at least 12 months in the last 10 years.
    3. Tier 1 Investor visa applicants are not required to pass any English language test or maintenance funds requirement.
    4. Once you qualify for the Investor visa, you will need to action on the investment of at least £2 million to a qualifying investment such as share capital and/or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies, within 90 days of entering the Tier 1 UK investor visa category.

    What about the visa and commitment?

    1. The first Tier 1 visa will be valid for 3 years and 4 months for overseas application, or 3 years if applied from the UK.
    2. A further extension of 2 years will be obtained by fulfilling your investment commitment during your time in the UK, before qualifying for settlement or indefinite leave to remain after completing 5 years.
    3. An alternate shorter path is also available for Tier 1 Investor of above £5 million for 3 years and above £10 million for 2 years.
    4. Applicants are to not exceed more than 180 days outside the UK at any year during the process.
  • Tier 2 – Sponsor Licencing or Work Permit

    What is a Tier 2 Sponsor Licencing or Work Permit visa?

    Non-EU migrants are eligible for Tier-2 Visa (Work Permit), under circumstances where companies qualify as a licenced sponsor. The sponsoring company/employer will first need to apply for a Sponsor license for its Company before able to sponsor any migrant workers.

    The Sponsor Company will assess you before hiring and in some circumstances, conduct the Resident labour Market Test - RLMT (advertising for 28 days) to ensure sponsoring a migrant worker is justified.

    Once the Company has conducted the RLMT, it will apply/request a certificate of sponsorship (CoS) from the Home Office. The CoS document will be used to apply for a Tier-2 work visa.

    What is required?

    To qualify for a Tier 2 Work Permit visa, the following are required:

    1. Need to have a valid certificate of sponsorship for your job position.
    2. Proof of salary income from the company.
    3. Proof of knowledge of English.
    4. Need proof of saving as evidence of self-support for the period of arriving in the UK.
    5. Travel history documentation of the last 5 years.
    6. Obtain a tuberculosis test results if from a listed country.
    7. If applying from overseas, yourself and any other adults dependants will be required to obtain an overseas criminal record certificate for any country that you have lived for at least 12 months in the last 10 years.

    Further information;

    1. The certificate of sponsorship is an electronic record with a reference number and can only be used once.
    2. UK salary income can be no less than £30,000 per annum. Certain industry position can be less, please inquire for more information.
    3. Must have personal savings of no less than £945 in a UK bank account for 90 days before applying, as proof of support. (Exclusion applies if company sponsor is A-rated, and must be confirmed on the certificate of sponsorship).

    What about the visa and commitment?

    1. The Tier 2 (General) visa can be up to 5 years and 14 days, or the time given on the certificate of sponsorship plus 1 month, whichever is shorter.
    2. You cannot apply for a second job until you’ve started the first one.
    3. You can bring family members with you.
  • Tier 4 – General students visa

    What is a Tier 4 Student visa?

    A Tier 4 Student visa is issued to students above 16 years old to study in the UK. To apply for the visa, the student needs to obtain educational institution sponsor letter to confirm the course, institution and time of study.

    Stonebridge Consultancy provides the Tier 4 Student visa application as part of a study package which includes scouting and applying for university or school. Legal guardianship service requirements is compulsory for students below 18 years old and can be provided upon request

    What is required?

    To qualify for a Tier 4 Student visa, the following are required;

    1. Received an offer letter from the educational institution
    2. Pass the required English language test at the required level for academic entry (speaking, reading and writing)
    3. Evidence of money support for the duration of the study
    4. Tier 4 visas are for students outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland

    Further information;

    1. The course must fulfil at least 15 hours per week of organised daytime study leading to a qualification.
    2. If under 18, a proof of parental or other legal guardian consent will be required by immigration
    3. A tuberculosis test results will be required by certain countries
    4. Students are expected to show fund support of at least £1,265 per month for Greater London and £1,015 for outside London, this does not include first year tuition fee. It is expected by the immigration to show a maximum of 9 months of funds. Proof of funds can be held in own bank account, or parent/legal guardian’s bank account. A relationship proof will be required if the funds are held by a parent/guardian’s account.

    What about the visa and commitment?

    1. You can arrive up to 1 week before the course start if it last less than 6 months. Or you can arrive up to 1 month in advance if the course lasts 6 months or more.
    2. Students can work in most jobs while studying in the UK to gain work experience.
    3. The Tier 4 Student visa can be applied up to 3 months before the start of the course.
    4. You will need to pay for healthcare surcharge along with the application.
  • Family visa

    What is a Spouse / Civil partner visa?

    Family members of British citizens and settled persons are eligible to visit, join or remain with them in the UK. Children (below the age of 18) of British citizens or settled persons are able to apply for temporary visa, and once in the UK, they may apply for British settlement (Indefinite Leave to Remain) and eventually citizenship.

    1. Partner must be a British citizen or holds Indefinite Leave to Remain
    2. Both over 18 years old
    3. Have met in person and legally married
    4. Plan to live together permanently in an adequate accommodation
    5. Be financially independent without the need of public funds
    6. Meet the minimal requirement for the English language

    What about Unmarried Partner visa?

    1. Partner must be a British citizen or holds Indefinite Leave to Remain
    2. Both over 18 years old
    3. Must have met and lived together for a minimum of 2 years as a relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership
    4. Plan to live together permanently in an adequate accommodation
    5. Be financially independent without the need of public funds
    6. Meet the minimal requirement for the English language

    What about Fiancé visa?

    1. Partner must be a British citizen or holds Indefinite Leave to Remain
    2. Both over 18 years old
    3. Both are free and ready to marry within 6 months in the UK from date of arrival
    4. Plan to live together permanently in an adequate accommodation
    5. Be financially independent without the need of public funds
    6. Meet the minimal requirement for the English language

    What about Family member of PBS migrant visa?

    This category is for partners and children of points-based system migrants (i.e. Tier-1 Investor; Tier-2 Work; Tier-4 Student) to gain entry and remain the UK. To qualify for this category, you must be related to the PBS migrant as either husband, wife, civil partner, unmarried partner, same sex partner or child (below 18 at time of application).

    For adults

    1. Aged 18 years or over
    2. You are the spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner or same sex partner of a person who has LR, , or is being granted ILR, or has just obtained British citizenship after having ILR as a PBS migrant.
    3. If unmarried or same-sex partner of a PBS migrant, you must prove a living relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership of minimum 2 years
    4. Plan to live with the PBS migrant throughout his/her granted visa period, and do not intend to stay beyond the granted period.
    5. You must be financially independent without the need of public funds (Tier 1 Investor or Exceptional Talent migrant excluded)
    6. If you are the family member of a Tier 4 Student, the student must be currently studying or will be on a specified course and institution.

    For children

    1. You must be the child of an adult PBS migrant who has LR, or is being granted ILR, or British citizenship with ILR from Tier 1, 2 or 5
    2. You must be under 18 at the time of application, unless you are applying for LR and were last granted leave as a child of a PBS migrant or the child of a migrant granted leave under a different category of the rules who has since been granted lave as a PBS migrant or who is applying for leave as a PBS migrant at the same time
    3. You cannot be married or in a civil relationship, and have not formed an independent family or leading an independent life
    4. You do not intend to stay in the UK beyond any period or leave granted to the PBS migrant
    5. Both parents are lawfully living in the UK or being granted entry clearance or leave to remain at the same time, unless;
      -The PBS migrant is your sole surviving parent
      -The PBS migrant has and has had a sole responsibility for your upbringing
      -There are serious or compelling family or other considerations which would make it desirable not to refuse the application and suitable arrangements have been made for your care in the UK
    6. Be financially independent without the need of public funds
    7. If you are the dependant of a Tier 4 Student, the student must be currently studying or will be on a specified course and institution
  • Representative of Overseas Business visa

    What is a Representative of Overseas Business visa?

    The Representative of Overseas Business visa is a category designed to send a senior ranking employee to establish a commercial company in the UK. This allows the chosen employee to set up and operate the UK branch or a wholly owned subsidiary of the overseas parent company. The company representative can obtain Permanent Residency (Indefinite leave to remain ILR) after carrying out 5 years of company management in the UK.

    What is required?

    To qualify for a Representative of Overseas Business visa, the following are required;

    1. Proof of a current genuine trading business
    2. Has no other branch, subsidiary or other representative in the UK
    3. Plan to establish a branch or subsidiary in the UK, under equivalent type of business as the overseas business
    4. The overseas branch must be preserved as the parent company

    Further information;

    1. Proof the representative being a senior employee in the business
    2. Show that he/she has been hired outside of the UK
    3. Representative must be given full authority of the business operations in the UK
    4. He/she cannot hold more than 50% of company shares, or no more than 30% at the time of application
    5. Must be proficient with English with no less than CEFR Level A1 (speaking and listening)

    What about the visa and commitment?

    1. The representative cannot take on any other employment than the designated company
    2. Capable to accommodate yourself and your dependants
    3. Spouse or partners are able to join along with children below 18 years of age
    4. You can apply for the UK Sole Representative within 3 months of the planned travel date. A decision with be returned within 3 weeks or 5 working days for priority service (selected centres only).
    5. The first visa given is usually a single issue of up to 3 years, followed up by an extended 2 years, leading towards an indefinite leave to remain (IDL) for permanent residency. The applicant cannot be absent for more than 180 days of any year during the 5 years.


Everywhere you look in the UK, you will get a glimpse of its thousands years history. The architecture of churches, homes, castles and culture. It has some of the most dynamic economic and labour market in the western world, and a major driver of international migration and is currently the main reason for migration to the UK. Career opportunities, education and family balanced are well-rounded

The people are (by and large) friendly, well educated, open to change, and have a great sense of humour. England is also just a door step away from the various trips of neighbouring European countries if you’ve already holidayed across the UK, where commonly, many long weekends and short trips are reachable a couple of hours away.